Bad Habits...
Ignoring family life or friends for the sake of work...
Lack of attention to exercise and health...
And the list goes on...the things that can slowly escalate from annoying habits to outright moral failure and the destruction of all that we say we value in life and ministry.
Everyone faces these challenges. Every leader especially faces these challenges. And every ministry leader is even more at risk as the Deceiver delights in fertilizing the above list in order to destroy the work of the Kingdom.
Greg writes pointedly and succinctly in this book. He shares the story of 'Rob,' a high-profile ministry leader who eventually crashed in moral failure, losing all that he had worked for. By tracing Rob's steps backwards, we see the ingredients that contributed to his final crash.
High profile failures are not uncommon. It is far too easy to point our fingers at high-profile ministry leaders who endure a public failure and display our sometimes self-righteous shock and horror at what they have done. It is far more difficult to point the finger inward and ask, 'what am I now doing that, if left unchecked, would bring me to the same result?' In essence, that is the focus of Greg's book.
I read this book quickly, breezing past the suggested worksheets and activities NOT because they are disposable, but first, because I wanted to see the big picture layout of Greg's direction in this process. And second, because I will soon be going through this book piece by piece, step by step, in community: in order to engage deeply each area of my own life that could derail me if left unchecked. If you desire to glean the utmost value from this book, my suggestion is that you do the same.
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