Saturday, May 26, 2012

CRAZY LOVE - Francis Chan

I thoroughly enjoyed "Crazy Love" and more importantly, was challenged to change some things in my life. His style of writing is "down to earth": simple, direct, Scriptural. My own response to Crazy Love was twofold: First, I want to ask my Father to change the areas in my life that don't match His Word. To help in this area, I copied several Scripture verses onto my prayer cards so I can cry out to God to change me - because I am so deeply aware that I cannot change myself. Second, I want to look for ways to serve the poor and marginalized of our world in new ways. I want to step out of my comfort zone and be the hands and feet of Jesus in new places.

Francis especially hits "comfortable Christians" pretty hard.  I love it.  I needed the reminder.  May we never be "holy enough" or "doing ministry enough" to think that we do not need reminders from His Word to reassess our obedience.  Francis' approach to Scripture is refreshing - believe it and do what it says!  I was raised in a middle-class, suburban background - and somehow the idea of helping the poor and marginalized was not highlighted in my experience.  Francis reminds us that to be called a Christian is to care about the poor - they are not and cannot be separated.  May God use me in new ways that stretch me and make me gloriously uncomfortable! 

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